Residential and Commercial Evictions

Alexander  Patrick Johnson PLLC stands ready to prosecute your tenant evictions in ANY COUNTY IN FLORIDA or to advise you in any Florida landlord tenant matter.  Please contact us at 954-779-7050 or email us  to discuss your situation and find out how to proceed. You will talk directly to the attorney.

Evicting Residential Tenants

In Florida,  a landlord is required to file an eviction in court in order to remove a tenant.  Any attempt to use "self-help"  to get a tenant to move out is punishable by three month's rent, attorneys fees and court costs - per incident. Before an eviction may be filed,  the landlord must terminate the tenancy.   Florida Statutes Chapter 83  sets out the steps that must be taken to terminate the tenancy.  More Information on Evicting Residential Tenants

Evicting Commercial Tenants

In Florida, commercial (non-residential) tenancies are controlled by Florida Statutes Chapter 83, Part I. The landlord is required to file an eviction in Court in order to remove a tenant. More Information on Evicting Commercial Tenants